On Saturday, March 26th another crash happened on Hennepin Avenue. A crash like this makes you hope for the well-being of the people involved. And as residents who cross this intersection every day, it gives you pause about your next walk through the neighborhood. When a high-speed car crash finishes on the sidewalk — as they too often do — it’s a reminder of how dangerous a routine crossing can be. How many times have any of us waited to cross here? Nearby restaurants were full with people dining out. There are constant crashes and close calls on Hennepin Avenue. Whether you’re driving or walking, biking or busing, shopping or shopkeeping — this street doesn’t work for anyone.
The city’s professional staff in the Public Works Department have made a clear recommendation for how to fix Hennepin Avenue. The initial timeline for this project had it coming before the City Council for an approval vote last year, but this was subject to politically motivated delay. There is a plan to fix Hennepin Avenue. This layout needs to move forward to the City Council for a vote. This process started back in 2018 with robust public engagement. We can’t afford further delay.
Contact Mayor Frey, his Chief of Staff, and the City Council request no more delays on Hennepin Avenue, vote on the recommended layout put forward by staff which features 24/7 bus lanes, sidewalk level bike path, numerous pedestrian improvements, center median, and left turn lanes. This is the only inclusive choice.