We need your help to ensure the City of Minneapolis takes action to create a pleasant, safe, and vibrant Hennepin Avenue for our community. We want full-time transit lanes and a safe, separated bike path, along with pedestrian improvements. We’ll update this action list as we make our way through the process for the Hennepin Avenue reconstruction project. On June 16th, the city council voted 8-5 in favor of the Hennepin Ave layout. On June 17th Mayor Frey blocked full-time bus lanes from the council approved layout. We’re working on overriding his veto. On June 30th, the council failed to override Frey’s veto. Hennepin heads back to PWI Committee on July 14th (now delayed two weeks, July 28th). Contact information for Council and Mayor Frey.
- Hennepin returns to the City Council for a (potentially) final vote on August 4th at 9:30 AM City Hall (350 S. 5th St), Room 317.
- Supporter testimonials: send us a pic, name, ward, neighborhood, your preferred pronouns, and a brief statement why you support the Hennepin redesign (about 3 sentences). Email to [email protected]
- Request a “Streets are for People” window sign version email us at [email protected]
- Join our email list to stay updated on our efforts, and share with us what you’re doing so we can support you!
- Boost our messages on your preferred social media platform.