Thursday: Show Up for Bus Lanes at City Hall

Crowd shot of Hennepin for People rally

Demanding Minneapolis City Council Vote to Restore Full-Time Bus Lanes to the Hennepin Ave Layout

This Thursday, May 19th, we are showing up at the City Council’s Public Works and Infrastructure Committee meeting. We’ll be in room 317, the council chamber, to insist the City Council follow through on full-time bus lanes for Hennepin Ave and not back down from their own existing policies.

For the past 14 months, every option presented to the public for a newly reconstructed Hennepin Avenue (to begin construction in 2024 from Lake Street to Douglas Avenue) has included full-time bus lanes. Now we’ve learned, just days before the first committee vote, and less than two weeks before it heads to the full City Council, that new Public Works director Margaret Anderson Kelliher has decided to pull the full-time bus lanes from the plan.

The case for full-time bus lanes is clear. Some of our points below:

The behind-the-scenes removal of full-time bus lanes from the Hennepin plan is motivated by politics – not data, not equity, not concern for the climate, not good stewardship of public resources. We will be in the council chamber on Thursday calling on the City Council to ensure the plan they approve includes full-time bus lanes on Hennepin Avenue.