March for Hennepin Bus Lanes

Several signs: Bus Needs Full Lane, Slow Buses Without Full-Time Lanes, Support Transit Riders, No Equity Without Full-Time Bus Lanes, Don't Delay The Bus.

On Tuesday, June 28th we take to the street to highlight Mayor Frey’s obstruction and the broad community support for full-time bus lanes from day 1. Join us!

What: March for full-time bus lanes
When: Tuesday, June 28th meet at 5 PM. March at 5:30 PM
Where: Smith Triangle Park (24th & Hennepin Ave)

The transportation status quo wants us to give up this fight. We’ve had an answer for their obstruction at every step of this process. We won’t stop.

Hennepin for People Save Our Bus Lanes March Poster. Stand Up For Equity. Stand Up For Sustainability. Override The Veto.